
دیود زنر روسی D815V مدل Д815В

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دیود زنر روسی D815V مدل Д815В

Zener diodes D815V are silicon, diffusion-alloy, medium power.
Designed to stabilize a rated voltage of 8.2 V in the stabilization current range of 50…950 mA.
Used to work in special-purpose electronic equipment.
Available in a metal-glass case with rigid leads.
They are marked with a digital-alphabetic code, the connection diagram of the electrodes with the terminals is indicated on the body.
The Zener diode housing in operating mode serves as a negative electrode (cathode).
Hull type: KDU-11-3.
The weight of the zener diode with component parts is no more than 6.0 g.
Quality category: “QT”, “VP”, “OS”.
Technical conditions:
– acceptance “1” aA0.336.545TU;
– acceptance “5” UZh3.362.027TU;
– acceptance “9” UZh3.362.027TU, aA0.339.190TU.
The shelf life is at least 25 years from the date of manufacture.
Foreign equivalent: 1N4258A.

Main technical parameters of the D815V zener diode:
• Stabilization voltage spread: 7.4… 9.1 V at Ist 1 A;
• Temperature coefficient of stabilization voltage: 0.07%/°C;
• Temporary instability of stabilization voltage: ± 4%;
• Constant forward voltage: 1.5 V at Ipr 500 mA;
• Differential resistance of the zener diode: 1 Ohm;
• Minimum permissible stabilization current: 50 mA;
• Maximum permissible stabilization current: 950 mA;
• Maximum permissible power dissipation on the zener diode: 8 W;
• Operating range of ambient temperature: -60… +125 °C.

Explanation of the zener diode marking:
D – a letter characterizing the entire class of semiconductor diodes;
815 – number (number) that indicates the scope of application: from 801 to 900 – zener diodes;
B is a letter that determines the classification of the zener diode according to its parameters.

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